Sustainability in our company is a comprehensive strategy that encompasses not only our products, but also our operations with communities and the environment, being a fundamental part of our DNA. We are guided by five pillars: We act with integrity, We are the best ally of our clients, We grow with our communities, we cultivate extraordinary talent and we operate responsibly. Our sustainability achievements are driven by the sustainability and climate change committee that leads us to achieve Net Zero by 2050 with a Sustainability Plan by 2030.

6Clean waterand sanitation8Decent workand economicgrowth9Industryinnovationinfrastructure11Sustainablecities andcommunities13Climateaction15Life ofterrestrialecosystem17Partnerships toachieve theobjectives16Peace, justiceand stronginstitutions12Responsibleproduction andconsumptionClean water and sanitationDecent work and economic growth Industry innovation infrastructure Sustainable cities and communities Responsible production and consumption Climate actionLife of terrestrial ecosystem Partnerships to achieve the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions
WE ARE ONE OF THE MOST RESPONSIBLE COMPANIES IN PERU SUSTAINABILITY ACHIEVEMENTSFor the sixth consecutive year, we are part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, currently being theonly Peruvians company in the construction materials industry. This index evaluates, by industry, theperformance of companies that meet environmental, social and corporate governance standardswith excellence.Dow JonesSustainability Indexes8THPLACEOUT OF 128 COMPANIES INTHE FOLLOWING INDUSTRIESLearn more about our awards hereThis annual report by S&P Global, is one of the most comprehensive publications on the subject of corporatesustainability, recognizing the most committed companies in the areas: environmental, social and ofgovernance.WE ARE THE ONLY PERUVIAN CEMENT COMPANY TO BE PRESENTFOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE YEARS IN THE SUSTAINABILITY YEARBOOK.SUSTAINABILITYYEARBOOK :Achievement N°3MERCO ESG:Achievement N°1We remained in 12th place in the ranking, achieving a top 15 ranking in the environmental,social and governance criteria.Merco ESG 2023 588.471 DOW JONESSUSTAINABILITY INDEX:Achievement N°2PLACE13°ENVIRONMENTALPLACE9°SOCIALPLACE10°GOVERNANCE
Each project reflects our commitment to a sustainable future, transforming our vision into initiativesthat make a difference for future generations. Find out a little more about our efforts:SUSTAINABILITY IN ACTIONSOCIALRESPONSIBILITYS/. 9,533,386Invested in socialprograms in 2023ENVIRONMENTANDCLIMATE ACTIONS/.406,510,000In contributions towards environmental conservationin 2023VOLUNTEERING306Volunteer hourscompleted in 2023


Milestones Integrated Annual Report 2023

Cementos Pacasmayo - Our Achievements of 2022

Pacasmayo | Discover how we work in 2021

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