FIRST CEMENT COMPANY WE ARE THE To certify our entire cement portfolio under the Product Quality Assessment Scheme 5. NTP 334.009ASTM C 150PortlandcementNTP 334.082ASTM C 1157HydraulicCementspecified forperformanceNTP 334.090HydraulicBlendedCementSD 001-2022PRODUCEHydrauliccementUsed inbuildings andconstructionsin general5We comply withthe highest and mostrigorous schemein the certificationof productsrequired by theSD 01-2022PRODUCE
QUALITY IN EVERY FOUNDATIONCEMENT FACTORYWE AREPERUVIAN TO BE CERTIFIED WITHSCHEME 5THE FIRSTCertificationSchemeType 2CertificationSchemeType 3CertificationSchemeType 4CertificationSchemeType 5Quality management system auditscombined with random tests or inspections.Testing or inspection of our factories.Evaluation of production and service provision.Testing or inspection of market samples.5We comply withthe highest and mostrigorous schemein the certificationof productsrequired by theSD 01-2022PRODUCENTP 334.090HydraulicCementAdded toDS 001-2022PRODUCEHydraulicCementUsed inbuildings andconstructionsin generalFIND THE CERTIFICATIONSRECOGNIZING OUR SEALSPRODUCT QUALITY CERTIFICATION SCHEMELEADING QUALITYLIDERANDO EL ESTÁNDAR DE CALIDADPacasmayo chose as the certifying company,since it guarantees that the quality at theproduction, manufacturing and marketing levelsis assured in our cement plants and certifiesus with theUnder the requirement of compliance with the regulationstechnically, we decided to get the, thus positioning us as the leader ofin the market.certification morerigorousnew quality standardInternational organizationspecialized in the certificationof the quality of products, servicesand management systems.
WHAT IS ANISO CERTIFICATE?An ISO certificate confirmsthat an organizationmeets the best internationalstandards.These standards covera wide range of areas,from quality managementand environment to theinformation securityand occupational health.LEADING THEQUALITY STANDAROUR ISOsAt Pacasmayo we put our clients at the centre of our business strategy.For this reason, we have management systems that guarantee the reliability of our processes,products and services:ISO 9001To regularly provide products and services that meetcustomer and applicable legal requirements, thusaiming to increase customer satisfaction.ISO 14001Protect the environment, respond to the changingenvironmental conditions and manage theenvironmental responsibilities in a way systematicthat contributes to the environmental pillar ofsustainability.ISO 37301Promote and maintain a culture of ethics andcompliance with obligations in organizations.ISO 45001Provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventingwork-related injuries and ill health.ISO 37001Help prevent, detect and address bribery and complywith applicable laws and voluntary commitments.ISO 27001Provides security measures and seeks to protect theconfidentiality, integrity and availability of informationby applying risk management.
OUR STRENGTHS IN QUALITYCUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGYQUALITY CONTROL LABORATORYICONTEC highlighted the infrastructure of our laboratories for quality control, compliance withtechnical standards and regulations, as well as the permanent investment in ourcement plants.MODERN PLANTThe Piura plant was acknowledged as one of the most advanced in Latin America.CALIBRATION AND TESTING LABORATORIESWe are the only laboratory in the North (Trujillo) accredited by the National Quality Institute (INACAL),under the ISO/IEC 17025 standard with which we offer nationwide the following services:Calibration of scales and compressive strength machines in different ranges forsoil, cement, mortar and concrete strength testing machinesConcrete compressive strength tests under NTP 339.034 and ASTM C39/39M.Our accredited laboratories in Piura, Trujillo and Cajamarca guarantee the accuracyof their results.In addition, we have the only laboratory in Peru that has carried out a proficiency test that determinesour performance, satisfactorily with the National Metrology Laboratoryof the Ecuadorian Standardization Service, one of the references in the region.

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